What is Chiropractic?


A central premise of chiropractic is that vertebral misalignments or malfunctions occur in the spine and can produce interferences in the function of the nerve system which have remarkable and far-reaching effects by impairing the individual's health and performance. These misalignments are referred to in chiropractic as subluxations, and are corrected with spinal adjustments administered by Doctors of Chiropractic (D.C.'s). 

Your nerve system controls and coordinates all the functions of your body. If you interfere with the signals traveling over nerves, parts of your body will not get the proper nerve messages and will not be able to function at 100% of their innate abilities. In other words, some part of your body will not be working properly

It is the responsibility of the Doctor of Chiropractic to locate subluxations, and reduce or correct them. This is done through a series of chiropractic adjustments specifically designed to correct the vertebral subluxations in your spine. Chiropractors are the only professionals who undergo years of training to be the experts at correcting subluxations.

Upper Cervical Chiropractic

Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic is a natural health care system that creates more optimum body function by restoring Body Balance. A specialty within the Chiropractic field, the Upper Cervical procedure is a painless spinal correction, referred to as an adjustment. The adjustment restores body balance and reactivates the body’s natural healing ability.

Beyond the Back

Chiropractic is great for back, neck and extremity pain. It is also great for restoring proper nerve function to the rest of your body that you don't think about. When the nerves that supply your organs, like the stomach, heart and lungs are irritated, these organs cease to function at their optimal level. This is why chiropractic can have a beneficial effect on certain conditions such as asthma, indigestion, constipation and premenstrual sundrome to name a few. Removing irritation and restoring balance to the nervous system enhances the body's capacity to heal.

Your body is controlled by three distinct nerve systems - the central nerve system, peripheral nerve system and autonomic nerve system (which is further divided into the parasympathetic and sympathetic nerve system). All 3 parts of the nerve system must be balanced so that they can operate in unity and create a truly healthy body. 

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Beyond the Back

“All 3 parts of the nerve system must be balanced so that they can operate in unity and create a truly healthy body.”


What is Subluxation?

Subluxations are problem areas of your spine that affect your entire nerve system. In these problem areas the spinal bones are misaligned or have lost their normal range of movement. This irritates or puts pressure on local nerves which interferes with the communication between your brain and body (and vice versa).

How do Subluxations Happen?

The stresses and strains of everyday living such as housework, gardening, desk work, lifting, or even sleeping on the couch, can cause spinal problems. So can falls, accidents (especially car accidents), sports activities and injuries. In children, subluxations may occur during the birth process, while they learn to walk and play, and from everyday childhood activities.

What are Some Warning Signs of Subluxations?

Symptoms such as headaches, back pain, neck stiffness, pain in your shoulders, arms or legs, numbness in your hands or feet, or nerveness are the most common signs of subluxations. But like a tooth cavity, most people will have a subluxation long before they notice any symptoms.

How are Subluxations Corrected?

Your chiropractor will reduce and correct subluxations with highly skilled adjustments to your spine. If the subluxations have been present a short time, you may need only a few adjustments. However, long-term, chronic subluxations will require more frequent adjustments to retrain the problem areas of the spine to hold the vertebrae in their normal, healthy positions. As subluxations are corrected, your nerve system starts to function properly again and your body heals itself.

How can I Avoid Subluxations?

If you want to keep subluxations from recurring, or new ones from developing, it's best to have periodic adjustments. Combined with a sensible diet and moderate exercise, chiropractic care can help you enjoy the best of health for the rest of your life. Seeing a chiropractor should go with everyone's job!